Quick Basic Librarian" 1. List .LIB files 2. Store a program 3. Restore a program 4. Quit Enter your selection:" dir c:\qb\lib\*.lib /w /p" pause" dir *.bas /w /p" What is the name of the program to store [.BAS]: What is the name of the file to store into [.LIB]: pkzip c:\qb\lib\ stored into " Delete the .BAS program?(Y/N)" yes", YES", c:\qb\lib\ .ZIP) c:\qb\lib\ .LIB) Pause" Error" Check file names and restart Pause" What is the name of the .LIB file to restore [.LIB]: C:\qb\lib\ .LIB) c:\qb\lib\ .zip) pkunzip c:\qb\lib\ c:\qb\data") Done restoring c:\qb\lib\ .Zip) c:\qb\lib\ .Lib) pause" Error" Check file name and restart" Pause"